Operation Green Light 2012 and Forgiveness
We all have a choice. Regardless of what actually occurs - we have a duty to be steadfast, helpful and forgiving.
FYI: Now that we are aware of who Jehovah of the Biblical Old Testament really was - the notation about Albert Pike and his communication with Lucifer to create 3 World Wars - If you are familiar the character of Jehovah - he was a war monger and justified it to an ignorant tribe of humans and had them carry out his agenda of destruction. Surely you realize this Jehovah and Lucifer do not have our best interests at the center of their mind and hearts, one has to wonder what do they get out of all of this fighting on a world wide basis? We have a choice and we can stop this "War on Terror" B.S., and evolve out of that mind set. It won't be easy - it can be done.
One way to evolve out is to practice Fearless Forgiveness. Anytime that fear arises in the mind - it needs forgiveness. Forgiveness in the present undoes the past and releases the future. The forgiveness you attend to in the present moment also dissolves past unforgiven fears and allows you to not need to experience fear as you meet your future. Fearless Forgiveness is a daily mind practice that heals the mind. That is all that is really out of synch with us. A mind possessed by fear. We can release that possession - we have the tool - Forgiveness.
So after you read the article at the link above - there are many items you can forgive as you read through. Fear that the Green Light may not happen, Fear that things will continue as they are, Fear that those in control will actually create their world economic catastrophe, Fear that the military will not take action, and it goes on. Anything that creates the sensation/illusion of fear needs forgiveness. Forgive on...