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Lucy - Somebody's got some esplaining to do! - Part 2

Lions, tigers and bears, Oh My. I see vehicles, creatures, statues, and bald heads everywhere. Look for symmetrical spheres in really odd locations. More anomalies on Mars. I guess anomalie is relative. Why shouldn't life be different on a planet different from Earth?

strange/MarsPanarama16crouchingcat.png strange/MarsPanarama1cowrestaurant.png
strange/pai11049_tank_or_car.png strange/MarsPanarama7.png
strange/MarsPanarama13bombonrock.png strange/MarsPanarama20.png
strange/MarsPanarama47anotherpleasosaur.png strange/MarsPanarama29elephantorbearjpg.png
strange/PIA11049vehicle_humanoids.png strange/pleosaur2.png
strange/whomovedthis.png strange/segmentedcreatures.png