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Federal Lawsuit Against: Vatican, UK Queen and Big Pharma et al

Did you know that the Vatican is invested financially in the pharmaceutical companies as is the UK Queen, and experiments we done on innocent children in Canada for over 100 years? This is outrageous. We really refrain from using divisive language. There is just no other word for such despicable behavior. Diabolically Evil

Overview of youtube interview:

Children taken from families, put in Catholic schools, administered pharmaceuticals without family consent, permission or knowledge. To destroy evidence the children's bodies were burned.  The children were just claimed to have disappeared. An investigator was told by the police that "trouble makers like you, go missing." The RCMP is complicit, in allowing this genocide. May involve satanic rituals where children were sacrificed. RCMP brought First Nation women to SNUF film operations. Lawyers and Politicians were also involved in this. Picton Brothers were the disposal unit, who cut up the bodies.

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