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5||26.Liar Liar
Anonymous says....
2013-09-24 15:34:481,078
"One CIA old-timer I spoke with told me that they would have the hypnotized assassin come into the office..."
2013-09-24 14:33:41953
She had to go to Russia to bring this out. Also revealed - what is really going on with Miley Cyrus.
2013-09-24 14:28:49892
"To respond to violence by instantly creating more violence, rather than pursuing peaceful means first, is the peak of insanity."
2013-09-24 14:18:011,420
5||30.Efforts of the 2013 Global Currency Reset
Humanity is throwing of the chains of Global Slavery...
2013-09-08 13:21:421,003
5||31.Confirmed: Anonymous a Military Co-operative
"On February 4th, Anonymous hacked into over four thousand, six hundred different executives' accounts at the Federal Reserve -- and openly posted all the juicy details...On February 28th, we released insider testimony that "Anonymous" was working with the US military and an international alliance -- to defeat financial tyranny."
2013-09-08 13:17:202,247
5||32.To the Global Media Liars
We all know what you are up to.
2013-09-08 12:58:511,173
5||33.NSA Broke Privacy Rules Thousands of Times
Contrary to Official Claims...
2013-08-18 14:49:471,099
5||34.Snowden reveals that "Obama is Afraid of an Informed Public...
Someone comments: "Thank you Snowden, for proving again, Psychopaths are running America, many other countries too."
2013-08-17 17:03:38998
5||35.Russ Tice, Original NSA Whistleblower "They Are Lying"
"...and continue to lie about the full capability...former President Bush, lied blatantly to the American people, and now Obama is lying to the American People." Russ explains that the NSA is gathering just more than your phone numbers..."and going after Snowed because he has tangible proof...also hiding the fact that we are in a police state..."
2013-08-17 16:42:581,168
5||36.The Law of Words - Admiralty Law Is the Law of the Land
Maritime Admiralty Law are words of Banking. You and I are just a commodity. We have been so deceived.
2013-08-11 12:55:59959
5||37.The Big Lie - The USA, You and I - Are Not What You Have Been Told
"...what if the reality is that the United States doesn’t even exist at all?" Clint Richardson (
2013-08-10 15:33:49888
5||38.Abolish the National Security Act
The early additions to this un-Constitutional law allowed the power elite/cabal/military industrial complex, which President Eisenhower warned us about, to gain more control over our lives.
2013-08-09 12:21:40809
5||39.Yikes - Very Sinister - The Protocols of Zion
I could not keep reading. Shocking how much has been accomplished, is being carried out now. This is a translation. If this is a hoax as many have claimed...Well read for your self and decide.
2013-08-09 11:51:41943
5||40.Another False Flag - USA Closing Embassies - HSBC British Bank Closes Without Notice
HSBC has announced that it has decided to close without any previous warning the bank accounts of forty major diplomatic missions and embassies worldwide...may explain why the US government decided to close all their embassies in the Arab world and elsewhere and not because of alleged terror danger.
2013-08-09 11:09:211,470
5||41.Goodwill Hill Airplain Crash from Interview below on 4th Reich Assasins
Plane crashed with Reptilian and is retrieved by Tall Reptilians. They walk in unison carrying their fallen comrade. There are Firemen and Fire truck on site.
2013-08-08 14:35:10907
OMG OMG. Bush and Obama are cancelling out of country trips. Lawyers expound as to how Bush and Obama actions are catching up with them.
2013-07-02 01:13:031,023
5||43.Whistleblower Susan Lindauer Exposes 9/11
Extremely disturbing. And she confirms what many already believe - it was an inside job, well planned in advance. The powers that orchestrate such events cannot be human. They are psychopaths.
2013-06-24 12:26:161,348
5||44.Bernie Madoff is at the Hub of the Biggest Conspiracy
the world has ever known...If my Dad was alive, he would say "I'm spittin' nails."
2013-04-14 13:47:081,729
5||45.The Matrix Explained
Set aside your egoic projection and just listen. This is excellent. No matter what you may think about the rest of his information - this is an excellent presentation of this false experience that has been manipulated by those who are psychopaths!!!
2013-04-06 16:45:341,123
5||46.Femen Stages a 'Topless Jihad' across Europe
"Last month, Amina Tyler posted naked images of herself online, with the words "I own my body; it's not the source of anyone's honor" written on her bare chest...Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice," reportedly called for Tyler to be stoned to death." Another example of those non-empathetic psychopaths.
2013-04-05 14:18:591,213
5||47.Open Letter to the Galactics
I am rather tired of this non-interference thing too. We need interference. The Dark Side are psychopaths and the Light Side are not. For a non-psychopath - it is hard to fight such unrelenting darkness.
2013-04-05 11:47:191,033
5||48.Fascism on the Move in the USA
"Throughout history, curfews do not mark open, free and democratic societies, but instead the twisted, cancerous system that is Fascism. The entire notion of a curfew enforced by armed “officers” is something that instantly brings to mind the Jewish curfews put in place by Nazi Germany in 1939."
2013-03-13 16:38:371,266
5||49.WWIII is Economic - Watch this Video and Weap
People of the USA cannot wake up because it means having to take a journey to the Dark Side to understand the Dark Side. Rest assure you can take that journey and not turn to the Dark Side - I've done it. Now we endeavor to inform you of what you are not willing to look at. You need to know these things...
2013-03-11 01:17:171,250
5||50.More Diabolical Already Executed Agenda to Destroy America!
"In 1958, W. Cleon Skousen published a book exposing the history and goals of Communism. In his book titled The Naked Communist, he laid out the 45 goals of the Communist Party USA wanted to achieve in order to destroy American Society and its Constitutional form of Government. Amazingly in the 50 years since publishing, these goals to overthrow America have nearly all been achieved! We are seeing today at an ever faster rate the transformation of America from a Free Republic into a Socialist/ Communist Society." Source:
2013-03-10 15:02:021,062