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B^)651.This is one of my Dreams
Wolves are so maligned and really very cool creatures. Learned this years a go when I read "Never Cry Wolf." That made me want to hang out with them like this little girl.
2013-04-08 13:14:471,789
B^J652.Lord of the Potato Chip Ring
Your daily wizard skills lesson.
2013-04-07 14:38:521,958
B^O653.Gun Facts Infographic
Read and learn Piers.
2013-04-07 13:27:351,082
5||654.The Matrix Explained
Set aside your egoic projection and just listen. This is excellent. No matter what you may think about the rest of his information - this is an excellent presentation of this false experience that has been manipulated by those who are psychopaths!!!
2013-04-06 16:45:341,125
B^/655.United in Protest
Not sure what this protest is about - however, I'm kind thinkin' the gal on the right might have inspired it...
2013-04-05 15:11:331,340
5||656.Femen Stages a 'Topless Jihad' across Europe
"Last month, Amina Tyler posted naked images of herself online, with the words "I own my body; it's not the source of anyone's honor" written on her bare chest...Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice," reportedly called for Tyler to be stoned to death." Another example of those non-empathetic psychopaths.
2013-04-05 14:18:591,216
5||657.Open Letter to the Galactics
I am rather tired of this non-interference thing too. We need interference. The Dark Side are psychopaths and the Light Side are not. For a non-psychopath - it is hard to fight such unrelenting darkness.
2013-04-05 11:47:191,035
B^/658.Guns VS Spoons
Excellent point for Piers Morgan to...and you know he won't. Remember the days when Larry King asked questions? Who cares about Mr. Morgan's opinions anyway. No wonder the Brits don't want him back...
2013-04-01 12:55:071,853
B^J659.The New Walking Dead 2013
Creative take on...
2013-04-01 12:39:301,841
B^)660.World Peace Treaty
Governments and Nations have been sent the documents by the Keshe Foundation. Anyone can sign this: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/WORLD_PEACE_TREATY/ --- Keshe explains how physics really functions - This will literally transform our World to a place of PEACE. Who can't support that?
2013-03-31 12:53:351,967
B^\661.Here Is What Happens To Many Of Those Soldiers
Veteran of the Iraq War decides to end his life. Why? BECAUSE HE CAN NO LONGER ENDURE THE SUFFERING of his War injuries. Thank you - you Political Warmongers ^&$(*#@+#
2013-03-30 13:34:141,829
B^\662.Mother's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Soldiers!
Or Political A__hole Warmongers. This is so so sad. Who ever thinks about what War does to children?? Mother's unite and stop this madness!!!
2013-03-30 13:10:382,131
B^O663.Intelligent Theives USING YOUR Intelligent Devices
2013-03-17 14:16:261,448
B^O664.Warning!! Not for the Feint of Heart
Disturbing and towards the end very gruesome. If these events are true - you need to know such things are occurring and not reported.
2013-03-16 15:24:051,719
B^{}665.Who Belives this is Cutting Edge Fashion?
There are no words - there just are not...
2013-03-15 18:55:201,919
B^/666.Some Stunning Facts on Violence
Piers you need to listen so you can get your facts straight! 100 times more murders were prevented because of gun interference than murders committed with guns. That's just one important fact Piers Morgan chooses to not look at!
2013-03-14 02:06:101,402
5||667.Fascism on the Move in the USA
"Throughout history, curfews do not mark open, free and democratic societies, but instead the twisted, cancerous system that is Fascism. The entire notion of a curfew enforced by armed “officers” is something that instantly brings to mind the Jewish curfews put in place by Nazi Germany in 1939."
2013-03-13 16:38:371,270
B^O668.Home Assault - You are on your Own till Police Arrive
20 to 60 minutes after you call! Ludicrous replies: bleach, ammonia, bat, scream, lock self in bedroom, put phone up to ear, and more really stupid suggestions BY THE POLICE!!! America giving up your guns is our Doom*&)^$^@&
2013-03-13 16:02:411,446
B^J669.Smeagle Sings Mad World
Smeagle Sings Mad World - No other way to say it.
2013-03-13 02:17:251,466
5||670.WWIII is Economic - Watch this Video and Weap
People of the USA cannot wake up because it means having to take a journey to the Dark Side to understand the Dark Side. Rest assure you can take that journey and not turn to the Dark Side - I've done it. Now we endeavor to inform you of what you are not willing to look at. You need to know these things...
2013-03-11 01:17:171,252
5||671.More Diabolical Already Executed Agenda to Destroy America!
"In 1958, W. Cleon Skousen published a book exposing the history and goals of Communism. In his book titled The Naked Communist, he laid out the 45 goals of the Communist Party USA wanted to achieve in order to destroy American Society and its Constitutional form of Government. Amazingly in the 50 years since publishing, these goals to overthrow America have nearly all been achieved! We are seeing today at an ever faster rate the transformation of America from a Free Republic into a Socialist/ Communist Society." Source: http://www.free2pray.info/communism.htm
2013-03-10 15:02:021,064
5||672.Marxism on the Move in America
Retired Lt. Gen. W.G. Boykin reveals how it is being orchestrated right under our noses. Wake UP America!!! Also an expose by the push to bring Shariah Law to replace the Constitution!!!
2013-03-10 14:57:391,389
B^J673.This Fellow is an Inspiration
Shaking his booty with great rhythm. Watch till the end it is worth it. Plus more from Russia....Things are done a bit differently there...
2013-03-09 15:35:141,804
B^\674.Obama Care
A New Nutritional Supplement designed to flush out rational and clear thinking. They forgot Fluoride-ium, which kills your brain.
2013-03-01 23:01:342,023
B^\675.Drone Wars: Civilians push back
"THE first guy who uses a weapon to bring down a drone that's hovering over his house is going to become a folk hero in this country." So said commentator Charles Krauthammer
2013-03-01 15:40:322,616
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