No. | Item | Added | Hits | |
B^| | 26. | Embrace being an outsider By Donald J Trump |
2024-05-29 19:38:26 | 186 |
B^J | 27. | The mentally impaired you have with you And the whole world knows it |
2024-05-29 19:32:10 | 173 |
B^O | 28. | Global Pandemic TAKE OVER by the WHO is dead For now. They will come up with another plan. Ypu just wait |
2024-05-28 15:16:23 | 186 |
B^v | 29. | Mercola's brain boosting nutrients MERCOLA'S BRAIN BOOSTING NUTRIENTS |
2024-05-27 14:47:10 | 276 |
B^\ | 30. | CIA involved in creating the jab that kills, maims +++ How could it be otherwise, as the CIA was created by recruits from the WWII Nazi's |
2024-05-27 14:35:01 | 275 |
B^| | 31. | The Health Ranger sues ''em all Ha, ha, ha, ha. They deserve it. |
2024-05-27 14:03:24 | 165 |
B^v | 32. | Pfizer more interested in the effects of the jab on sex And reproduction than effectiveness on the lungs. WTF?? |
2024-05-26 22:24:15 | 270 |
B^\ | 33. | Our rights signed over to the WHO Means the end of all our civil liberties |
2024-05-26 20:12:55 | 236 |
B^v | 34. | Nanobot replicator inhibitor Nanobot replicator inhibitor recipe |
2024-05-26 19:09:10 | 173 |
B^D | 35. | Freedom is taken away by one piece of paper at a time Not necessarily by a gun. He suffered 22 years of torture by refusing to give in to Castro. Wow |
2024-05-26 19:03:52 | 198 |
(#j#) | 36. | The Scientific Destruction of the mind It's a Psychopathic plot worldwide. Wake the F up people |
2024-05-26 18:57:10 | 132 |
B^/ | 37. | Solfeggio sounds history Therapy for the mind body heart through Solfeggio sounds |
2024-05-26 18:50:44 | 86 |
B^O | 38. | They lied, patient's died, hospital's got $$$$$ Finally finally the tru9th is told about Remdesivier, c19, on a ventilator, by Tom Renz in Ohio State Senate. Instead of incentivising health in hospitals, hospitals were paid to kill |
2024-05-26 17:36:36 | 88 |
(#j#) | 39. | 49 psychopatic leaders that got away with horrors We must learn to recognize these psychopaths and send them to a prison dimension |
2024-03-13 10:20:03 | 388 |
B^/ | 40. | Greater Tartaria A civilization removed from history |
2024-03-13 09:27:53 | 222 |
B^v | 41. | Flouride is Poison Poison is Flouride |
2024-03-13 09:22:40 | 431 |
B^v | 42. | Pfizer whistleblpwer Exposing the psyop in many institutions |
2024-03-13 08:57:57 | 321 |
B^\ | 43. | Pfizer Whistleblower ITS ALL A PSYOP ON MANY LEVELS |
2024-03-13 08:55:49 | 318 |
2024-03-13 08:54:11 | 217 |
B^v | 45. | Natural anti-biotic recipe Just 4 ingredients |
2024-03-12 18:02:32 | 327 |
B^| | 46. | Benny Johnson is ecstatic at the UFC where Trump Has 100,000 cheering fans |
2024-03-12 08:04:56 | 304 |
B^D | 47. | Liar, iiar hair on fire Zippidity doodah got that right |
2024-03-12 07:34:51 | 272 |
B^| | 48. | Dominoes Green Fuel Revolution Overview All this from a small tablet |
2024-03-12 07:21:20 | 196 |
B^) | 49. | Bidens response 35 yrs ago to Bush's SOTU When he still had a functional brain cell |
2024-03-12 07:15:08 | 212 |
(#j#) | 50. | The WHO Charter of 1904 suspends Civil rights And are now solidifying Civil Rights suspension in secret. Will utilizize a fake plandemic, with no proof, just based on a WHO members unjustified belief |
2024-03-12 07:08:00 | 263 |
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