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Free Book Un-Human Banner-PsychopathsFree Book on Psychopaths

B^v1.Reverse Alzheimers' with a natural food - Coconut Oil
"A drug company reluctantly decides to put a non-patentable natural substance (medium-chain triglycerides derived from coconut or palm) through an FDA trial. It works. But, darn it, a smart doctor figures out that a natural food can be substituted for the super-expensive drug...the ketones from natural coconut oil last in the body longer than the drug version—eight hours instead of three hours...This is enough to make a drug company start worrying about its future. What if this natural health idea really catches on?"
2010-10-11 12:09:245,309
B^v2.The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic - Hint: Roundup
"...European countries are waking up to to the danger, ... In the Netherlands, use of Roundup is completely banned with France likely soon to follow."
2014-11-24 15:49:373,151
B^v3.Any form of Radiation is TOXIC! Simple removal instructions
Sea Salt and Baking Soda (aluminum free). If it is simple and in expensive you are not going to be told about. Well, that's why I have this website. To keep you informed and to bring solutions.
2011-04-30 17:15:202,728
B^v4.FREE Book! - No More Medical Refugees
“...exposure to far infrared ray is the key to preventing metastatic cancers..."
2009-12-30 04:48:422,521
B^v5.Kick GMO's out of the USA
It all started with a little near coastal town in Oregon. Tillamook, Oregon and now the repercussions of Monsanto's bovine growth hormone is being dealt a fatal blow.
2010-10-11 11:52:312,487
B^v6.Facebook launches Suicide Prevention Tool
In the past year, more than 8 million Americans 18 or older had thought seriously about suicide, according to a blog post by the Surgeon General
2012-01-01 16:39:112,276
B^v7.Cancer's Last Stand
A very simple way to improve your overall health
2012-04-09 03:11:082,258
B^v8.Court Rules Against FDA
It is about damn time!
2012-03-27 22:55:512,225
B^v9.Further confirmation that we are being poisoned everyday
Who is profiting by poisoning us? FYI: I inverted the colors, because it is easier to read. Found this at:, which references the source as:
2010-08-31 02:14:552,163
B^v10.More young adults skipping the flu vaccine - Yea - Fear tactics not working!!
"Either the truth about vaccines is finally reaching the masses or Americans in general have simply lost trust in the government and the pharmaceutical industry"
2014-01-28 13:37:582,147
B^v11.The Calming Effects of a Mother's Loving Touch
Mother of the Decade. A mother calms her child during the March 11, 2011 Japan earthquake. A very profound expose'.
2012-04-08 13:25:462,132
B^v12.The truth about Vaccinations - It is Bad, Very Very Bad
The public gets it. The chiropractors embrace it. The medical Doctors, including pediatric neurologists, are stunned by it. The pharmaceutical and organized medicine cartels must deny it. The philosophy is “if they cannot deny the message, then they will discredit the messenger.” This is simply how the system works.
2012-05-19 15:58:352,124
B^v13.Pharmasaurus Rx
He has a good point.
2012-05-17 12:35:122,084
B^v14.The FDA ignoring a court ordered ruling on real science
"the FDA was hoping to use the FTC to evade some recent court rulings that it cannot willfully and unreasonably censor all science about food and supplements."
2012-05-22 13:01:201,963
B^v15.Dr. McCoy of Star Trek - Hypo Spray has been INVENTED!!!
Can't wait for the replicators to come next!
2012-06-02 14:18:401,962
B^v16.Health Care Not Not Not
Stop this insanity. Scrap it - hire an independent research group - come up with a great plan, not a peacemeal, non-understandable Health plan like this non-sense Obamacare BS.
2013-12-21 13:53:441,864
B^v17.The Dark Truth About E-Cigarettes
The graphic is huge so have patience
2013-07-26 16:11:391,746
B^v18.Monsanto Shareholders asking questions about GMO's
Well it's about damn time. " calling for the Monsanto Corporation (MON) to disclose the real financial risks to shareholders and other stakeholders for producing genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) over the past two decades."
2014-01-28 14:11:061,684
B^v19.Converting Plastic back into Oil
This is a home unit. This process will greatly reduce world pollution. Get one.
2014-12-26 14:03:291,437
B^v20.Flouride is Poison
Poison is Flouride
2024-03-13 09:22:40418
B^v21.Natural anti-biotic recipe
Just 4 ingredients
2024-03-12 18:02:32312
B^v22.Pfizer whistleblpwer
Exposing the psyop in many institutions
2024-03-13 08:57:57309
B^v23.Flouride is poison
Always has been
2024-03-08 14:04:35300
B^v24.Hidden in the jab
Zeolite is not recommended
2024-03-08 14:12:11283
B^v25.Mercola's brain boosting nutrients
2024-05-27 14:47:10263