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5||51.Marxism on the Move in America
Retired Lt. Gen. W.G. Boykin reveals how it is being orchestrated right under our noses. Wake UP America!!! Also an expose by the push to bring Shariah Law to replace the Constitution!!!
2013-03-10 14:57:391,387
5||52.The Drone Controversy
Coming to a city you live in....
2013-02-17 04:01:151,532
5||53.Obama's Forged ID's to be heard by the Full Suprene Court
Breaking News: Jan 9. 2013, Chief Justice John Roberts schedules the case....by guess who? It takes a Woman....
2013-01-10 14:12:101,133
An excellent expose by Alfred Webre on solutions for global transformation. He revealed things I know and I am surprised he revealed how we have been interfered with by some nefarious characters - Not of the Earth! Listen to the archive of this interview...
2013-01-10 13:43:221,368
5||55.Anonymous Shuts down FBI
Well now. Lookey here what Anonymous can do....
2013-01-10 13:34:201,357
5||56.Bilderberger Elite Angry over Constant Exposure [in Europe]
Sooo...Where will they hold their 2013 annual meeting? "Returning to America in 2012, Bilderberg were able to rely on tighter security and a compliant media that virtually blacklisted their presence." Read on....
2013-01-05 10:53:341,347
5||57."This Show is a Crusade Against the Main Stream Media...
because I think it is important to rethink the establishment narrative." Abbey Martin of Breaking the Set. It takes a woman!!!
2013-01-02 14:08:211,272
5||58.Uh! Oh! Oliver Stone Exposing nefarious USA policies
Nuf said. Oh - he now has a new TV series on Showtime. Bravo Showtime! This deserves the 5th Column category.
2013-01-02 13:59:481,255
5||59.The Plan to Shatter the Civilization of Fear
Join us with our very special guest Daniel Deeter who just returned from an 18 day trip to the Mayan Pyramids along with Foster Gamble of Thrive and many others.
2013-01-01 06:58:451,097
5||60.The Matrix Artifact Illusion
Staged crises are also an example of power. They are perverse art flung up on the screen of our perception...
2012-12-24 07:04:462,034
5||61.The Path to the Truth is Very Convoluted
Get your coffee/tea and just listen and ponder....
2012-11-26 12:26:541,147
5||62.Shadow Operations - The Mars Project
If you never ever watch another show or read another item, YOU MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO. Many of these revelations I was aware of - I am totally blown away that this was allowed to be broadcast. Kudos to TRU TV, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan for finally telling us what is truely going on that has been hidden for decades...
2012-11-11 11:29:441,241
5||63.64 Year Old Grandpa, Needs Your Help to Take Back America!
Lawless America now in production. This Grandpa wants a 1 Million person march on Washington D.C., Jan 9 and 10, 2012 to get us back to our Constitutional foundation and rights.
2012-11-05 11:07:321,393
5||64.The Reason our Government keeps making up an Enemy
Shame. Shame. Shame.
2012-09-29 20:27:351,214
5||65.Grey Psy Ops - Holographic Projections of Catastrophic Events
Are these projections to keep us in turmoil so that we don't pay attention to their true agenda? Listen and learn. This may be out of some of your belief systems - consider stretching your mind to consider these possibilities...We are more powerful and can choose to participate in the real events, which may be that "nothing" actually occurs.
2012-08-15 21:11:211,255
5||66.Federal Lawsuit Against: Vatican, UK Queen and Big Pharma et al
Did you know that the Vatican is invested financially in the pharmaceutical companies as is the UK Queen, and experiments we done on innocent children in Canada for over 100 years? This is outrageous. We really refrain from using divisive language. There is just no other word for such despicable behavior. Diabolically Evil
2012-07-12 13:11:061,246
5||67.Soldiers Risking Lives - Become Disabeled - Receive Little Help
This is OUTRAGEOUS - Join this campaign to get the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution passed.
2012-07-07 14:43:491,562
5||68.The People Are Angry - Senator Sanders explains why
Can you believe it - a Senator telling the truth?
2012-07-01 15:33:371,170
5||69.Trans-Atlantic Doomed to Extinction
Did you know that the USA is set to BAIL out EUROPE - This weekend?? England is Bankrupt and only care about saving their self no matter the cost to others!!!
2012-07-01 13:16:151,379
5||70.Operation Green Light 2012 and Forgiveness
We all have a choice. Regardless of what actually occurs - we have a duty to be steadfast, helpful and forgiving.
2012-07-01 12:40:331,122
5||71.Guillotine Training at FEMA Camps!
"My daughter has a couple of friends who are no longer active duty, and they were telling her about the Fema camps, and they have guillotine's there and they were training people to use them."
2012-06-28 15:08:541,626
5||72.Global Elites Thrown out of Iceland - The Little Country That Could - DID!!
Iceland dismantles corrupt Government, The Arrests Rothchild Bankers.
2012-06-28 15:03:281,802
5||73.Department of Peace
Dennis Kucinich, says it best when he states; "you cannot be for World Peace, and then vote to fund wars !! "This is a worthy and worthwhile endeavor. Let's make it happen now!
2012-05-24 15:12:301,583
5||74.CIA Officer exposes the mess
Could he be inspiration for the operations by Anonymous?
2012-05-06 13:06:331,107
5||75.Think you know the financial history of the USA?
You probably don't know these things, which are the foundation for the current fabricated financial crisis
2012-04-23 12:46:581,192
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