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B^{}1.4 Reflective Anomalies around the sun - What are they doing?
"These UFOs may be as large as planet Earth." David Sereda
2010-03-05 00:56:163,161
B^{}2.Portal in the Sky in Porto, Portugal
Interesting city name, where this event occurred.
2010-01-27 16:38:563,074
B^{}3.Lucy - Somebody's got some esplaining to do! - Part 1
Do you see what I see. Lesson #1: Learning to see....
2010-01-01 10:25:212,714
B^{}4.Lucy - Somebody's got some esplaining to do! - Part 2
Lions, tigers and bears, Oh My. I see vehicles, creatures, statues, and bald heads everywhere. Look for symmetrical spheres in really odd locations. More anomalies on Mars. I guess anomalie is relative. Why shouldn't life be different on a planet different from Earth?
2010-05-14 01:50:202,640
B^{}5.Cloaked ship by Mercury
Cloaked ship revealed after CME from our Sun passes over.
2011-12-11 11:20:372,193
B^{}6.Outch! Oowwee! OMG!
Ah! Yes, the wonderful life of torment. Like there's just not enough suffering already....
2010-11-14 13:27:542,163
B^{}7.Take the test.
Distortions of a different kind.
2012-05-20 14:58:352,072
B^{}8.Lloyd Pye's Star Child = Has nonhuman DNA
The results are in and main stream science just cannot accept the evidence. No surprise there.
2012-09-22 11:54:462,005
B^{}9.I'm voting this fellow off the island
It is so easy to blame, and not take responsibility for your own actions. The question he should be asking himself is how has he contributed to this scenario...
2012-05-08 13:51:261,996
B^{}10.Smoke Ring Clouds
That's some might big puffing...
2012-03-01 15:04:201,930
B^{}11.Who Belives this is Cutting Edge Fashion?
There are no words - there just are not...
2013-03-15 18:55:201,915
B^{}12.A Different kind of Bat Cave
So many in such a small space...
2012-01-21 14:55:111,911
B^{}13.More Authorities Out-Of-Ego-Control
Here again an Authority makes up rules. An outright lie by the Authority. We have a problem people. Since when do Authorities have the right to lie to a tax paying citizen, and then tell them to go into their own house and shut up. We really have a serious problem people!
2011-04-29 17:12:391,883
B^{}14.3 different videos synchronized showing UFO on Jan, 28, 2011 over Jerusalem
Keep watching, keep watching - EE gads, what can do that?
2011-02-03 02:45:361,882
B^{}15.An Armada of something around the Sun
More news blackout on our Solar System phenomena. Prepare to be amazed...
2012-07-31 03:08:281,864
B^{}16.Totally Not a Cult
Well then I'm in. How about you?
2013-08-19 13:15:141,863
B^{}17.Amazing Sun Anomalie
More news blackout on this phenomena. You will be stunned at what you see.
2012-08-02 00:52:101,845
B^{}18.UF0"S through Night Vision Goggles
I have seen such things myself with these Night Vision Goggles. There is certainly an abundance of activity going on out there....
2012-01-03 14:28:511,826
B^{}19.This has got to be a Clever American Invention
Where can I get this? Right up there with the Holland Cheese Toaster Bag.
2012-06-02 19:23:521,676
B^{}20.Motorcycle and Rider Teleported out of way of oncoming Semi-Truck
Watch the fellow as he gets off his motorcycle and sits down. He is in shock and seems oblivious that his life has just been saved by an unusual being.
2013-04-21 14:54:431,661
B^{}21.Black Knight Satellite in Polar Orbit around Earth
Possibly 13,000 yrs old. Mysteries abound.
2015-05-30 13:07:551,605
B^{}22.Have aliens hijacked Voyager 2 spacecraft
" the spacecraft is sending back what sounds like an answer: Signals in an unknown data format! The best scientific minds have so far not been able to decipher the strange information...It seems almost as if someone had reprogrammed or hijacked the probe"
2010-05-28 02:57:001,527
B^{}23.Just Kidding - Pretty Good April Fool's Prank Germany
The phenomena of pranking about Aliens, Et's, inter dimensionals, extra dimensionals, parallel whatever, is a nation/country/continent wide event.
2012-04-24 13:06:291,492
B^{}24.Clinton Foundation + State Dept = HT
"According to minutes of a January 27, 2010, senior State Department staff meeting, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents uncovered “at least a couple pedophiles” attempting to adopt children in Haiti following the earthquake."
2017-05-04 15:09:351,032
B^{}25."The babies we eat"?
Wait what? "The babies we eat"?
2024-01-08 20:48:3199